Author: Daniel Taylor
Drive More Sales: Using Code To Optimise UX
Using Code To Optimise UX Understanding the user journey is half the battle for improving your conversion ratio. Code is simply HTML, CSS, and Javascript to ensure your website displays perfectly across devices. Is Your Web Page Mobile Friendly? User or page experience is not to be confused with content information. UI = good-looking design…
Every Reason You Should Avoid Cheap SEO
Buy Cheap, Buy Twice If you spend between £200 and £750, you’re falling into the trap of buying “bargain-basement SEO.” Remember, you get what you pay for, and when contracting a better company, they’ll have to spend time and money to resurrect and save the site from low-cost SEO. The one mistake you might be…
7 Point SEO Process
SEO as a Marketing Process SEO is a process of hurrying up and waiting. Our work in one month will not show results until the following month. It is a lengthy process of convincing Google that our client has superior online information and offers a better (business) service to be positioned above other dentists in…
The Top 29 Simple SEO Fixes Any UK Small Business Can Do
SEO Changes You Can Make Today If you are a webmaster or business owner and have had your fill of watching endless ‘how to SEO your website’ YouTube videos and Podcasts, then perhaps this blog can help. Google tells you exactly what to do and how to do it. SEO is about language and Google…
Checklist: First 3 Months of SEO
What The First 3 Months of SEO Need to Include Is your SEO not working as fast as you would like? We have created a first 90-day checklist to help. For all new clients, we create a simple strategy that outlines what is expected from both parties, who to report to and what is important…
Take the Gamble Out of SEO
Is SEO a Gamble – Or Does It Really Work? Many UK businesses opt for Google Ads or Facebook Ads instead of using SEO to grow their business, perhaps because it is much clearer to work out marketing spend and ROI. It is a widely held belief that improving a website with better design and more…